Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thing #4

There are many reasons why people blog: they can voice an opinion, be used as a marking tool, used in education or even as a campaign strategy. When reading several blogs, the thing I noticed most was the passionate tone in which people write. Most people who blog, have strong feelings about the subject matter and I feel are trying to persuade the reader. Commenting on a blog contributes by adding your opinion to the subject matter or even giving additional information that the writer may have missed. One interesting way blogging could be used in the classroom would be for book discussions. Students read the same novel but can have very different views on its content. Each student blogs their thoughts and educators can post questions to provoke certain thoughts or ideas about the book.
We do need to be careful though when reading blogs and realized it is just someone's opinion not necessary the facts.


  1. You had a great idea about using blogs for book discussions. I think that could actually be a realistic way to incorporate blogging in the classroom.

  2. I agree with the book discussion idea. I think its a great way to incorporate blogs into the classroom. It may be easier for some students to share how they feel through a blog, rather than face-to-face.

  3. The book discussion idea is good for the reason you noted that not all kids would feel comfortable talking face to face, but in lower grades (elementary) I think they still need that oral language and vocabulary development that come from "talking" with each other. I like the idea of teachers also blogging about readings and other learning and want to incorporate it in my literacy class this year, so stay tuned and I'll try to let you know how it goes!
