Thursday, October 1, 2009

Thing #2 - Thoughts about Web 2.0

With the technology and design of Web 2.0 users can actively participate and produce content instead of just passively viewing it. Students can actively engage in the learning process and even add to the lesson with their own ideas and thoughts. Companies can connect with users on a more personal level. We now have sites where we can describe how we feel and what we are going to do about it. No event happens in isolation. No company exists in a vacuum. No person lives alone.

Not with that said..... are we loosing some of the human interaction that our students need? When a student can get his assignments online, turn them in to a drop box and then check his status page for find out a grade, how has that teacher impacted that student on a personal level?

I do believe that technology has a major role in our society and each of us needs to continually learn and progress with the times but I also feel there is a fine line that needs to be treated lightly.


  1. I agree that technology has it's place in our classroom but I do cringe at the thought of not having that "teacher touch". I hope I make an impact on every child that walks through my doors.

  2. Just a thought:
    If a teacher allows students to create and turn in work online, that frees up the severely-restricted class time for more personal interactions. It removes the need to spend class time passing out papers, taking them up, writing down a list of those whose parents need a call because they didn't turn in anything, etc...
